Friday, January 11, 2013

Christmas 2012

As I said in my Highlights post, this Christmas was the first Christmas Chuck and I have spent the entire day together. Usually we wake up with our own families and meet up later in the day for a few hours. This year, we were together for all of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Really we were pretty much together for the whole two weeks as I don't have a car in Louisville anymore so wherever Chuckie went, I went too. He couldn't get rid of me. Mwuahahahahaha.

We spent Christmas Eve wrapping presents, watching a TERRIBLE Christmas movie starring Ferris Bueller and Danny deVito, watching the nieces sprinkle reindeer food, and then- lots of church. We went to the 5 o'clock service at Middletown Christian with Chuck's mom, sister and her family. Chuck played bass with the praise band. It was a family service and at one point, EVERY child in the audience got to go up front for a Christmas story. Some kids got to act out roles and our little Sloane was the lucky one chosen to play Mary! You can't see her Joseph in this picture but he had a mohawk. It was awesome.

After church, we went to my parent's house for pizza and wine before we went with them and my sisters to Springdale Presbyterian for the 9 p.m. service. It was beautiful, we heard some great singing and then took like 20 pictures in front of this Christmas tree with every combination of family members.

At 11 p.m. we were back at Middletown where Chuck played bass again and I sat through the service with his dad. It was also a beautiful service with more beautiful singing, including a rendition of O Holy Night by their pianist that was so good, people clapped for about 5 minutes when it was over. Three church services at two different churches made for a long night, but church is what Christmas is all about right? So it was fine.

We spent the night in the basement at Chuckie's sister's house, which meant we were woken up before 8 am by sounds of little feet upstairs.

Donuts first thing in the morning? That's my kind of girl!
The girls read their letter from Santa, opened stockings, and opened their gifts. They were most excited about their iPod touches with sparkly covers! (Actually just people's old iPhone 3s they don't use anymore that the girls can play games on so they don't have to steal their parents' phones anymore, but they don't know the difference.)

Such a sweet face. :)

Sloane should have asked for her two front teeth for Christmas! (lame joke I know,  but couldn't resist.)
Chuckie and I opened some gifts too. Audrey wanted to be the first to try out Chuckie's new headphones.

After our eventful morning, we went over to my parent's house and had brunch which is something my family does every year. It's the best. After brunch, we opened gifts and then just hung out and relaxed a little.

Dad, showing off the huge London picture he and my mom got for my sister to hang in her house!

Trying to contain his excitement...
Also, we discovered that after you've been together for a long time, you start to think the same. Evidence? My parents both bought each other iHomes for Christmas without knowing. The best part? My little sis was with both of them when they bought them, but didn't say anything.

After my parent's house, we stopped back at Chuckie's sister's and did a quick gift exchange with his family. Then it was on to his Aunt's house to see his dad and his side of the family. We spent the evening eating, playing games and catching up.
His Aunt and Uncle playing Cranium. They got one of the "use someone as a puppet" cards.
 It was a long and busy two days but we got to spend time with everyone and make some great memories on our first Married Christmas.

Oh- and Chuckie gave me tickets to see the Broadway show Jersey Boys... IN NEW YORK CITY!!! Before we leave for Seattle! WHAT!? I got him some cologne... 

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