Monday, May 7, 2012

Derby 2012 Recap

As I said in my Saturday post about Derby, Chuck and I needed to "go big or go home" this year at the annual Hagan Derby party since we may not be here for the next couple of Derbys.  Well, I think it's safe to say we definitely went big. Here is a recap of the day.

- A new tradition was started when we had the First Annual "Derbreakfast" with friends at Wild Eggs on Derby morning.
- At the party, countless Mint Juleps (the official Derby drink) and Lillies (the official Oaks drink) were consumed.
- All of the food was so delicious that I ate so much I was curled up in the fetal position all through the night moaning in pain.
- Chuck won $80 in the cornhole tournament.
- I won $86 on the Derby after betting on #19 "I'll Have Another" because of a random statistic I heard on Saturday morning on the radio. (That no horse had ever won the Derby running out of the 17th or 19th gate. So I bet #19 just in case.)
- Someone won $79 in a game of LRC.
- Someone may have broken their little toe on the big undies used in the underwear races.
- Someone (who is almost 25 years old) hit their first pinata EVER.
- Someone lost half of their front tooth in an airhead that they got from the pinata.
- Someone peed their pants laughing at the someone who broke their tooth.
- It did not rain.

All in all I'd say this was quite a memorable Derby day for everyone.


  1. Thanks for keeping everything anonymous. We wouldn't want "family" coming out of the woodwork after they heard about our big win.

    1. No problem. When I was listing things that happened I tried to think who might want to be kept anonymous and Matt was one of them. But now that you've commented I think the secret's out. I should have mentioned in my post that he won playing on a dollar I loaned him. :)
