Friday, September 20, 2013

Road Trip: Days 13-15

Day 13

We left Louisville around 9:30/10 am to start our trek to Virginia Beach.  The drive to Boston takes 2 days no matter which way you go, so we decided to drive a BARELY longer route to Virginia to visit with Chuck's sister and her family for a day before we finished the trip. The drive there was pretty easy and scenic.  When we got into VA Beach, Shawn and the fam were at a show they had purchased tickets for a long time ago, so we posted up at a nearby Cuban place called Havana's to kill time until they were home. (I'm sure everyone is surprised that we ate at a Cuban place...Stick with what you know, right?)

Day 14

This was our visit day in VA Beach. We didn't want to drive in late and leave early the next day so we had planned to stay and visit for a day before making the second leg of the trip. Our day started early with coffee and cinammon rolls. The nieces (Ava and Caroline) and Chuck watched Youtube videos for awhile, then they played a game of "let's try to knock down Uncle Chuckie." It was pretty entertaining. Then the girls asked if they could paint my nails which led to an hour of spa treatment for me, where one girl was painting my toe nails while the other was painting my finger nails. Three colors and (what seemed like) a whole bottle of glittery top coat later, I was all done.


After the spa hour, we hopped in the car and took off to the beach. It was perfect weather for a beach day and having not been to a REAL beach in a couple of years, I was excited to be there. (By real beach I mean one that is meant for regular beach activities- not a Seattle or Maine beach where there are rocks and freezing cold water.)

After our beach day we got cleaned up and then headed back out for pizza. After pizza it was home for a viewing of The Karate Kid with the whole family and then Mud for just the adults, which is a weird/slow Matthew McConaughey movie and then it was bedtime.

Day 15

The last day of our two week cross-country trek started out great and ended great, but sucked in between. We woke up and got dressed, then ate an amazing family breakfast prepared for us by Shawn. We had every intention of leaving Virginia by 10 am, but our family breakfast turned into deep and good discussions about politics, religion, morals and "life things" and before we knew it, the clock said 11 and we weren't even packed.

So by 11:30 we made it out of Virginia which was sad because we didn't want to leave Ava and Caroline and also they do my nails and give free back and arm massages and compliment us and tell funny stories and wait why did we leave there again??!!??  Anyways.... We began our awful driving trip to Boston. I won't get into all the sucky details but basically it took us a few hours longer than expected, traffic was terrible, we spent a million dollars on tolls and I missed our turn when we got into NYC so then had to take a crazy route through Connecticut and ughhhh it was so miserable. Also I was hungry for pretty much the entire drive so, you can imagine how miserable that made Chuckie. (Sorry, Chuckie!)

We finally reached Boston sometime after 10 pm and that's when the suckiness ended.  Our apartment was just as we left it, plus a couple of little signs that someone had lived there for 6 months. It felt so good to finally be "home." With that, our trip came to an end! And now we never have to drive across the entire United States again if we don't want to because we've already checked it off the list of things to do in your lifetime.

*I have so many more pictures from Virginia but blogger is being annoying and won't let me upload more than these few. :( So you can just imagine a few more pictures of us and the nieces at the beach, a picture of our breakfast set up on Day 15, and a blurry picture of Boston at night as we drove into the city.

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