Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Visitors Galore!

It seems we've had a lot of visitors lately. Emily in mid September, some of Chuck's extended family a couple weeks ago, and this past weekend, two of my Aunts came to visit us!

My mom is one of 6 girls, and lucky for us, a few of the sisters happen to live up here in the Northeast. My Aunt Carolyn, who lives in New Jersey, drove some of our wedding gifts home with her after the wedding with a promise to bring them to us at some point in the Fall. My Aunt Betty lives near Springfield, MA, only 1.5 hours away from here. So this weekend, Aunt Carolyn drove herself and our gifts up to Springfield for the weekend, and on Saturday they made the trip to Boston together.

Their visit was exciting for us for a number of reasons. 1) We got to see familiar faces and spend time with family- something we miss A LOT here in Boston. 2) We go to show off our new apartment and our little section of Cambridge. 3) THEY BROUGHT PRESENTS.

It was like Christmas! Chuck and I couldn't remember any of the things we had stacked in the "bring" pile, except for a crock pot. So going through all the gifts was like getting them for the first time again. A wine rack, 3 bottles of wine, a pie scooper, a paper towel holder, a nice knife set, an ice bucket, pillow shams... So many exciting things!

When the aunts got here, we brought up all our things and then they watched the UofL football game with us. Then we walked to a nearby restaurant, The Asgard, and had a late lunch. Even though we were all pretty full afterwards, Chuckie and I took them to our favorite place, Toscanini's (where I also took Emily) for some delicious ice cream.

It was a really nice visit and like I said, we enjoy seeing familiar faces, even if only for a few hours.

In about 2.5 weeks, my sisters are coming to visit for FOUR DAYS. I can't describe how excited we are. Neither of them have been to Boston so I'm making a full agenda so they can see and do all of the awesome things you have to see and do while here. Then, at the end of November, my best friend Lauren is coming for a long weekend. Three weeks after she leaves, we go home to Kentucky for Christmas for a little over two weeks!

So, friends and family who have not yet visited or made plans to visit, please start submitting your dates to come visit us starting after January 6. Thank you.

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