Monday, October 22, 2012

Pig Roast

This weekend we went to our first ever Pig Roast.

One of Chuck's LGO classmates, Andrew, invited all of the LGOs and their families up to his parent's house in New Hampshire for a day of outdoor fun. His parents live in Amherst, NH and their house is on a dead end road that looks like this.

It's gorgeous.

Andrew and some of the other LGOs went up on Friday night and started cooking the pig around 2 in the morning. They stayed up all night, turning the pig every 15-20 minutes. By the time we got there around noon, the pig was close to being done.

I was a little disturbed by seeing a full pig on a stick, and was convinced he was making eye contact with me no matter where I stood.
Us and the pig. (I am posting a far away picture of the pig so I don't completely offend any vegetarians who might read this. The close-ups are pretty sick.)
People just sitting around watching the pig cook.
 While we waited to eat, some of us took a field trip across the street to a horse farm and fed the horses some apples.
Red barn, yellow leaves, blue sky, pretty horse... Is this real life?

New Hampshire is beautiful.

Asher, Jessica and Robbie's son, feeding the horses.

This is Finnegan. He liked the smell of my deodorant. I wanted to keep him.

When we got back to the pig roast, the pig had already been taken down and was in the process of being cut. I'm kind of glad I missed the process of them taking him down.

Finally it was time to eat. I'd be willing to say that the meat from this pig was the best pork I have ever eaten in my entire life.

After we ate, some people napped, played croquet, played football, played bocce ball, took horse carriage rides, and sat on the porch and talked. It was pretty great.
The back yard where the football game took place.
 Once it got dark, we went down to the HUGE bonfire and sat around it. It was an awesome ending to an awesome day.

Also this weekend: we hosted a small game night which was a lot of fun, but once again reminded us that Boys vs Girls Taboo is never a good idea.

On Friday, Chuck and I went to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory with his Sloan Core Team to celebrate the end of midterm week. Afterwards, we went to one of his team member's apartment and played a karaoke game and a trivia game on PS3.

Sunday, Chuck and I had a date which I thought was very exciting because usually Sundays are heavy homework/study days for him. We went to the California Pizza Kitchen for lunch and then saw Argo at the the movie theater. If you haven't seen this movie yet, you should. We gave it an A+. It's based on a true story. 'Nuff said.

Looking forward to a big Louisville football game and a Halloween party coming up this weekend!

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