Friday, August 3, 2012

New Hampshire

Chuck and I went to New Hampshire last weekend with some of his classmates and their SOs. The trip was very last minute so to say we "winged it" would be a slight understatement. Chuck and I don't have a car as you know, so that morning we got in a car with another LGO and SO, not knowing where we were headed or what we were really doing, just that we were going to New Hampshire. Due to a small misunderstanding about the location of our final destination, we spent a LOT of time riding in the car. But that's ok, because we got to see a lot of a state we've never been to before.

Here is what I learned about New Hampshire from this trip:
- It is very green.
- You can see a lot of the state in one day!
- There are a lot of gravel roads.
- They have neon orange lizards.
- The names of roads and places there are fun to say. Pawtuckaway. Piscataquog. Hooksett.
- Their Target stores look just like the Target stores everywhere else.
- It takes less than 30 minutes to get to the New Hampshire state border from Boston.

Did you know the population of New Hampshire is only about 1.3 million people? I think that may be smaller than the population of Metro Louisville. I believe it though. I mean, look at these pictures. I don't see any signs of human life, do you?

These were taken from the top of a firetower we hiked to.

To give you a little background on the other pictures I'm about to share, apparently it's a very popular thing for MIT students to spell out MIT with their bodies in cool or different locations around the world. I googled to find some cool images of people doing this and found the following: (I don't know any of these people by the way so I hope they don't mind being featured on a stranger's blog).
 MIT at Fenway Park
 MIT at a concert in Vienna
MIT at Stonehenge

So the four LGO students on our hike had us take these glorious pictures:

 I think I like the one where they are lying down better. Mainly because it was really funny to watch them get situated like this and also because I like the detail of having the water bottle act as the dot on the "I". 

Spelling MIT in New Hampshire is just as cool as spelling it at Stonehenge, right? I think so.

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