Thursday, January 9, 2014


The holidays came and went, our trip to Louisville flew by, and now we're back in Boston, for what I will sadly refer to as "The Beginning of the End." It's hard to believe (I know I always say that, but it is) that we are ONE school semester away from the end of the LGO program. 5 months. Less than half a year. WHAT?! Excuse me while I shed a few tears.

Ok I'm back.

Anyway, as I told about in my New Year's post, 2014 is going to be an exciting, busy, and crazy year once again. It is definitely going to give 2012 a run for it's money, in terms of busy-ness, change, moving, traveling, and just plain old fun.  But before we get into all that, I will catch you up on our time in Louisville.

This year we were fortunate again to spend 2 full weeks at home for the holidays. Chuck flew in a few days before me, and once I got in town we were going non-stop, just like we always do.

I won't bore you with a play-by-play of our every day in the 'Ville. Instead I've made a nice list of some things we got to enjoy while home.

- Parties. I think all the parties deserve their own post because there were just so many of them and so many pictures.... We attended an ABUNDANCE of parties. My Hagan Family Christmas, a Tacky Christmas Sweater party with friends, Christmas Eve Eve with my girlfriends, Gamenight Friends Wine, Cheese and Pajama Christmas Party, Gamenight Friends New Year's party, UofL/UK basketball & UofL football bowl game watch party... We partied our booties off.

- Games. We played a lot of games with a lot of different groups of people while home. Scattergories, Pandemic, Cards Against Humanity, Charades, Card Tricks, What's Yours Like?, LRC, Lego Creationary.... Some were played more than once and with several different groups of people. We love us some games.

A group of friends and family playing a game at my parents' house one night:

 One morning, Liz and Shane invited us over to play Pandemic, our new favorite game, and they cooked breakfast for us. We have good friends.

- FOOD. We ate. A lot. Like everyone else does around the holidays, we gorged ourselves on appetizers at parties, cookies and chocolate, eating out at least twice a day.... It was intense. But so good because who doesn't love good food ALL THE TIME?

-Little Friends. We hung out with a lot of little friends while home. Obviously we spent a lot of time with 3 of our nieces who live in Louisville. We even babysat them one night which was a lot of fun and also a little crazy- but everyone ate dinner, went to sleep before their parents came home, no one got injured, and only one thing got broken. Not half bad! We also saw our mini gamenight friends Grayson and Brendan, my friend Shannon's 6 month old Jayson, my cousin's daughter Addison, and our friend's hilarious kids Trace and Cary.

Chuckie and Grayson

Me and Jayson
 Proof that we fed the girls while we babysat and proof that Sloane is a gangsta:

We taught them how to play "Sardines" while we babysat. You know, the game that's basically hide and seek except when you find the person you hide with them until everyone is hiding except one person? They got the idea.... kinda...

 Chuckie and Amelia watching the older two sing karaoke on their new karaoke machine:

- Apartment shopping. Now that we know we are moving back to Louisville for sure, we decided we better look for a place to live. We won't be back to Louisville again until we move back for good (we may be back once or twice in May but just for 2-3 days to go to graduations and a wedding, so I'm not counting those) so we had to go to some places while we could to see them in person. It was really exciting to go shopping because apartments are WAY cheaper in Louisville than in Boston and Seattle and also because Chuck and I have never had our own place in Louisville before! So even though we're going home, it will feel totally different having our own place there for the first time!

So those are some of the highlights of the trip. In between all those things there were chill time with family, shopping, the movie theater, and more eating. I swear we ate more than we did anything else.

The sunset on January 1, 2014. A beautiful start to the New Year!

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