Friday, January 10, 2014

Christmas 2013

Christmas this year was as busy as ever. We had a lot of places to be, a lot of gifts to give, and a lot of food to eat. Just as Christmas should be.

Christmas Eve morning we spent baking and wrapping presents. Nothing like waiting 'til the last minute, right? That afternoon, we drove out to my Grandma's house to spend time with her and exchange gifts. That night we attended 3, yes 3, church services. Catholic Church with Chuckie's sister and her family, Presbyterian Church with my family, and Disciples of Christ Church with a mixture of both our families. And we had a quick dinner at O'Charley's somewhere in between all the church. Yes I know 3 services at 3 different churches is a bit much, but Christmas is about Jesus and family, so what better way to spend Christmas Eve than at church with family?

Dad, conducting the handbell choir at Springdale.

Christmas morning we woke up at my parent's house, had coffee and opened presents, and then cooked brunch.

All of us went in together on cooking classes for my parents, and also this amazing Breaking Bad themed cutting board featuring Heisenberg and the words "Let's Cook." Probably our best gift ever.
 Sami as a present.

Chuckie cookin' up some sausage.

The Grandmas- having Bourbon Balls before brunch.  Because they're awesome like that.

 Soon after brunch we headed off to our next stop, Shannon and Miguel's.

Christmas presents and wrapping paper everywhere: the sign of a great Christmas.

Someone got a makeup kit from Santa and decided to test it out on Amelia!

Audrey loved her little Beanie Boo from Grammy. 

This face... So proud of the ornament she made at school and gave to Shannon. :)

 A little blurry but still cute.

Brother and sister realizing they are both kinda blind in just their left eyes.

After we ate dinner, we headed over to Chuckie's dad's house where a few of Chuckie's aunts, uncles and cousins were hanging out. We ate a little and played Scattergories. Then after everyone left, we sat in the living room and just chatted until almost midnight. It was a fun night. I forgot to take any pictures because I was trying so hard to win at Scattergories. :( I guess there's always next year!

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