Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Blaine Anderson- The Inspiration

I have never explained the inspiration for the title of my blog, so just for fun, I've decided to share how I got the title "Somewhere Only We Know."

The short version of the story is that "Somewhere Only We Know" is the title of a popular song by the band Keane. If you listened to pop music in 2004-2005, you probably know this song. I didn't really know anything about the band Keane, but I knew when I heard this song that I loved it. I'm not sure why I loved it so much, but all I know is that out of the 100 songs on my 1st generation iPod shuffle, I played this on repeat for pretty much all of the year 2005 and 2006. Every playlist I made on my computer or iPod for the rest of college included this song.

Timeout: Y'all almost forgot about the 1st generation iPod shuffle, didn't ya? Man that thing was awesome.

Anyway. Fast forward several years to circa 2011 when Chuckie and I started watching Glee. (Timeout again: Yes it's cheesy and silly. Yes the plotlines are pretty unrealisitc. Yes, the actors playing high school kids are all really in their 20s and 30s. No, we don't care about any of those things. Because Glee is fun and happy when most shows on TV are about murders and other sad or gross things. And we like the music. The end.) So there was an episode where Blaine, my favorite character on the show, sings "Somewhere Only We Know" to Kurt in front of the whole school with the Warblers singin' back up and oh man was it glorious and oh man did it rekindle my love for this song.

So obviously, the day after the I saw that show, I purchased Blaine's version of the song on my iPhone because I had long lost the song in the transitions from computer to laptop and iPod shuffle to iPod nano to iPhone 4.
P.S. I do a REALLY great impression of Blaine. Like, you'd think he was standing right in front of you, that's how good I am.  Just ask me sometime and I'll do it for you. 

So now fast forward to March 2012. I always knew if Chuck got into LGO that I would start a blog to chronicle our adventures and keep our family up-to-date. So when we found out he got in, I started thinking of a blog title. I tried several different things but they were all taken, so then I decided to resort to my iPod. I scrolled through my song list looking for any kind of title that would make sense with what my blog was going to be about.

Here were some of the songs I saved as options as I scrolled through alphabetically.

"The Best Is Yet To Come"  (Michael Buble)
"Defying Gravity" (Wicked. It doesn't make much sense but man I freakin' love that song.)
"Feels Like Today" (Rascal Flatts)
"Go Your Own Way" (Fleetwood Mac)
"Many the Miles" (Sara Bareilles. This one was my runner up.)
"Nicest Kids in Town" (Hairspray. Initially I thought this made sense because we were Southerners going to a Northern city where the reputation is that people are mean but as I've told you before, they aren't mean. Plus there are a lot of people in Boston nicer than us. So I'm glad I didn't choose this.)
"Remember the Time" (Michael Jackson)
"Somewhere Only We Know" (Glee. YES. WINNER.)
"Take Me There" (Rascal Flatts)
"Uncharted" (Sara Bareilles. This was my second runner up.)

Ok, before I go any further, YES I KNOW I HAVE AMAZING TASTE IN MUSIC. 

So, I debated between Somewhere Only We Know and the two Sara Bareilles songs for about 1 minute before I decided I had to use the Keane/Glee song. It was perfect. Everyone in LGO has the same experience, yet totally different. We all move from different places, all participate in different things, make different friends, move to different internship locations... No one else will ever have the exact experience that Chuckie and I are having during these two years. Therefore, this adventure truly is Somewhere Only WE Know.

Or maybe I just like the song so much I wanted to name the blog after it. You can decide for yourself.

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