Thursday, December 19, 2013

Adios 2013, Bienvenidos 2014

2013 was another great year. Crazy and often stressful, but great.

Some highlights of our year:

Trips to New York City


Louisville winning the National Championship

The USA soccer game in Seattle

Our cross country trip

Celebrating our first wedding anniversary

Seeing Jason Segel on the sidewalk after being back in Boston for a week. No picture. But the moment is burned into our memories so it's fine.

The Red Sox World Series win.

And of course- the biggest event as of late- Chuckie's job offer and acceptance!!!
It was an eventful year! Between the two of us, we visited 30 states this year. And by visited I mean either stayed there or drove through it. I'm not counting states we stopped in on layovers while flying. THIRTY. STATES. I'm not rounding up or anything either- I looked at a map and counted all of them.

2014 already has a lot of exciting things in store for us. It may go down in history as our biggest party year ever. We have a lot to celebrate in 2014.

In February, my younger sister turns 21. In April, my older sister turns 30. In March, the weekend of my birthday, the girls, Chuckie and I are heading to New York City for one night of madness to celebrate their milestone birthdays since we won't be home on their actual birthdays to celebrate with them. And a long time ago we said we'd do something BIG for Sami's 21st since we'd be so much older and have so much money. HA! The money thing isn't quite accurate but we're sticking to our promise. ;)  After 2 days in NYC, they will come back to Boston for a few days and will be here for St. Patrick's Day. Fun!

In early May, Sami graduates college. WHAT!? Two of my cousins and very favorite people also graduate college then.  In late May, my cousin who is one of the brother's I never had, gets married!

In early June, Chuck graduates and we're planning a big celebration for that as you'd guess. Then we'll move home which I'm sure will spur more celebrating! We then have 3 weddings to attend/be in as well as a couple bachelor and bachelorette parties thrown in here and there of course.

In July, we have another wedding (that's right, 5 weddings total between May 24 and July 12) and then hopefully we will take a vacation before Chuck starts his job at Amazon! And speaking of jobs, I'll hopefully have found a job by that time too.

Once August hits, I guess we'll sleep and recover from our several months of celebrating. We are very much looking forward to this year!

We have had another amazing year full of adventures and are looking forward to the craziness that 2014 is sure to bring!

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